Namaz Time :

Surah Mulk

Surah Al-Mulk, a shield at night, Against the grave's dark, dreadful plight, In its recitation, find your light, In Allah’s mercy, His infinite sight.

Surah Mulk holds great significance in Islam, providing spiritual benefits and reminders of Allah’s power and the afterlife. Regular recitation and reflection on its meanings can enhance one’s faith and provide protection in this life and the hereafter.

Here are the details and virtues of Surah Mulk:

In the silent whisper of the night, 

When stars adorn the skies so bright, 

SSurah Mulk begins its flight, 

A testament to Allah’s might.

Key Details

Name: Surah Mulk (The Sovereignty) 

Chapter: 67 

Verses: 30 

Revelation: Meccan 

Position in Juz: 29th 


Blessed is He who holds the reign, 

Of kingdoms vast, none can feign,

In His hand lies life’s domain, 

Every soul, by Him, ordained.

Themes and Significance

He who created death and life, 

A test of deeds, through joy and strife, 

To see whose faith remains so rife, 

In the sharpness of their spiritual knife..

Power and Control of Allah

This Surah starts by praising Allah, who rules the whole universe and has power over everything. This highlights the belief that Allah is the ultimate authority.

Creation and Purpose

Surah Mulk teaches that Allah created life and death to test people, showing who does the best deeds. The beautiful creation of the seven heavens and stars demonstrates Allah’s perfect design.

Warnings and Consequences

The Surah warns those who do not believe about the punishment of Hell and explains the suffering they will face. For believers who respect their Lord, even when unseen, it promises forgiveness and great rewards.

Reflection and Thinking

The Surah encourages people to observe Allah’s creation and think about His power and wisdom. It challenges those who doubt the truth, asking them to consider the signs of Allah’s existence in the world around them.

Dependence on Allah

It reminds us that everything we need comes from Allah. If He decides not to give us what we need, no one else can help.

Benefits of Reciting Surah Mulk

Look above at the sky’s vast spread, 

No flaw nor crack, as He has said, 

Turn your gaze, lift up your head, 

Perfection in the heavens’ thread..

  1. Protection from Grave Punishment:

There is a saying from Hadith that reciting Surah Mulk regularly can protect someone from punishment in the grave. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “There is a surah in the Quran with thirty verses that keeps praying for a person until their sins are forgiven. This surah is ‘Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion’ (Surah Al-Mulk).” – [Tirmidhi]

  1. Safety from Punishment:

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “Surah Mulk is the protector from the torment of the grave” (Al-Mulk – 67).

  1. Intercession:

Another Hadith mentions, “Surah Mulk will intercede for its reciter until he is forgiven. It will argue on behalf of its reciter in the grave, saying, ‘O Allah, if I am a part of Your Book, make me an intercessor for him'” (Tabarani).

He cast the stars like a celestial lace, 

As sentinels in the cosmic space, 

To ward off evil, protect His grace, 

In the universe, they take their place…


Another Hadith states that this Surah will plead for forgiveness for the person who recites it. Abu Hurairah (RA) reported that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “A surah from the Quran with thirty verses will intercede for a man so that he will be forgiven. It is the surah ‘Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion’ (Surah Mulk).” – [Abu Dawood]

The earth He shaped with valleys deep, 

For those who wander, for those who seek, 

A refuge for the weary and weak, 

His signs in nature speak….

Example of Pronunciation for the First Verse

Arabic Text: تَبَارَكَ ٱلَّذِى بِيَدِهِ ٱلْمُلْكُ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

Transliteration: Tabāraka alladhī bi-yadihi al-mulku wa huwa ʿalā kulli shay’in qadīr


  • Tabāraka: Emphasize the “ba” with both lips and stretch the “a” in “bara.”
  • alladhī: Pronounce the “th” as in “this” and lightly touch the tip of the tongue to the upper teeth for “dhi.”
  • bi-yadihi: Ensure the “ya” is clear and the “di” is soft.
  • al-mulku: Pronounce “mulk” from the throat, making the “k” sound strong.
  • wa huwa: Pronounce the “h” softly and clearly, making sure it’s breathy.
  • ʿalā: The “ʿ” sound is deep and guttural, and the “la” is light.
  • kulli: Pronounce the “k” deeply from the throat and the “li” clearly.
  • shay’in: The “sh” is soft and the “ay” is prolonged.
  • qadīr: The “qa” is deep and guttural, and the “dīr” is clear.

Resources for Practice

Do they not see the birds in flight? 

Wings outspread in the morning light, 

None sustains them but His might, 

In the skies, a glorious sight…..


Surah Al-Mulk is an important chapter in the Quran. It talks about Allah’s power, why He created the world, and what happens to those who believe versus those who do not. Reading this Surah can bring spiritual benefits and protection, which is why it is important for Muslims to include it in their daily routines.

By following the lessons from Surah Mulk, we not only do something good for our spirit but also find great protection and help in the afterlife. Think about adding this Surah to your daily readings and take time to think about its meanings.

To understand it better, you can talk to knowledgeable scholars or join groups that study the Quran like www.CourseQuran.com . May Allah help us all understand and follow His teachings.

He is the one who gave us ears, 

Eyes to see and minds to steer, 

Yet few are thankful, few revere, 

His blessings, abundant and clear……

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